Malam-Payroll, a powerful and leading player in the Israeli IT market decided to take advantage of their move to new premises in Jerusalem’s high-tech quarter Har Hozvim and had asked us to rebrand their 30 years old brand.
The Task
To bring to life an old fashioned brand that can’t be fully rebranded because it belongs to the Malam group, and in doing so recharge the organization, it’s employees and it’s clients with new energy and give the workers a sense of pride and belonging.
The solution
Realizing that the organization’s field of activities is multilayered and complex, we developed unique visual identities for Malam-Payroll’s different activities: public areas received a new energetic look based on their brand values, the different boardrooms got infographics which vividly describe the three core activities of the company and in the lecture hall, where clients come to learn about the new software that Malam-Payroll has devised for their needs, we created a series of hand made posters based on the company’s icon the arrow, to showcase the brand’s aspirations.