Fedex is a client there’s no need to introduce, with a fleet of 678 planes flying around the glob and over 500 million workers and 17 million packages distributed daily, branding fedex poses a creative challenge as we are constantly facing an uncompromising brand book.
The Task
Fedex is locally known mainly as a carrier to North American destinations. As a result of their entrance to the European market we were asked to come up with a campaign that highlights Fedex’s strong capabilities in delivering to any destination in Europe within 24 hours.
The solution
We developed a campaign based on facts. The fact is that only Fedex is able to deliver anywhere in Europe within 24 hours. Therefor our simple slogan “Next day is not just a service, it’s a promise” was successful because within the promise that only Fedex can accurately claim lies the hidden fact that the competition can not beat Fedex’s timetable.